We love telling our story. However, we know that our innovation will not open up in a few sentences. That’s why we want to share it in blogs and articles. Here you will find up-to-date information on the industry and Ecohelix in general.
Ecohelix on Swedish Climate Startup Map!
Ecohelix is featured on Swedish Climate Startup Map! We are excited about this recognition, being one of the companies providing solutions for more sustainable society by replacing fossil materials. Swedish Climate Startup Map initiative aims to showcase innovative startups developing innovations with the potential to help accelerate green transition. “We’re honored to be recognized on ... Read more
Vote us on Green Concept Award 2025 - WOODMER Seal selected as a finalist
We are Finalist on Green Concept Award 2025! Over 1500 participants from 45 countries applied for the 12th edition of the Green Product Awards. After being reviewed under the aspects of design, innovation & sustainability, the best submissions were nominated. WOODMER® Seal is one of the Green Concept Award finalists in the Packaging category! Our ... Read more
Ecohelix and Domsjö Fabriker AB sign long term partnership agreement to scale up sustainable biopolymer production
Ecohelix, a leading innovator in biotechnology and sustainable materials and Domsjö Fabriker, a renowed Swedish biorefinery, today announced a significant milestone in their collaboration: the signing of a termsheet to initiate the commercial phase of WOODMER® production. This agreement marks a culmination of several years of successful partnership between the two companies. With a pioneer ... Read more
TokyoPack 2024 - growing interest towards fiber-based alternatives in packaging
TokyoPack is the world´s leading comprehensive packaging exhibition, showcasing the latest advancements in Japanese packaging technology and science. The exhibition covers all aspects of packaging, from materials and machinery to design and sustainability. Plastics are still dominating, but there is growing demand for fiber-based materials in packaging. This year´s event took place at Tokyo Big ... Read more
Ecohelix products enhancing sustainability and circularity
Ecohelix is responding to the need for more sustainable materials by providing wood-based biopolymers. Need to replace fossil-based materials in packaging, paper&board production and construction is eminent. Sustainable and high performing solutions are urgently needed. Ecohelix´s WOODMER® wood-based biopolymers provide solutions to these needs. Our ground-breaking technology and WOODMER®’s unique characteristics respond to validated market ... Read more
Bringing different viewpoints together
Introducing Ella Lundström, Ecohelix Project Manager Meet Ella Lundström, Project Manager at Ecohelix, who joined our team last September. Ella is a proactive individual with a passion for getting things done and achieving tangible results. She excels in asking insightful questions to bring clarity and understanding to the table. She drives sustainable development through stakeholder ... Read more
Ecohelix Nature Driven Technology
We have created a groundbreaking, nature driven technology to make everyday life more sustainable. In the video we describe, how our technology works. How we derive valuable, high performing and sustainable material from currently under or even non-utilized pulp industry side stream. Taking hard to harness hemicellulose and lignin from the the process, utilizing membrane ... Read more
Discovering Ecohelix Through the Eyes of Our Team: A Perspective on How We´re Making a Difference
Ecohelix makes a difference and provides a great place to work for curious people. We are on a journey to make our daily lives more sustainable by using wood-based materials. Our mission is to reshape the way we utilize resources and materials, enhance circularity and provide sustainable alternatives to fossil-based materials. Our work is based ... Read more
Ecohelix Partnership Event in Domsjö
Ecohelix had a pleasure to organize an event in Domsjö on Monday-Tuesday 19th-20th of June, gathering together partners and stakeholders as well as whole Ecohelix team. The event was hosted at Domsjö Fabriker, in the site, where Ecohelix has today a demo production plant and where Ecohelix full scale production site will be built. Together, ... Read more
Ecohelix Research&Development - where science and creativity intersect
“I love solving problems in a creative way. A scientist is like a detective – looking for clues, interrogating suspects, using technology to glean information, interpreting the results, using deductive reasoning, and finally solving the mystery. For scientist like myself and my team members, these solved mysteries result in new formulas, chemical compounds, and material ... Read more