The Science behind Ecohelix Technology
Polymers consist of small molecules – monomers that are linked together to form a large macromolecule. Hemicellulose is a polymer present in terrestrial plant cell walls. It is a polysaccharide as cellulose, both servicing as structural components of the plant cell wall. Hemicellulose is a branched polymer compared to linear cellulose, which makes its properties different than that of cellulose. In pulp production hemicellulose and lignin need to be separated from the wood matrix to be able to utilize the cellulose as a raw material for different products.
Ecohelix patented technology uses biotechnology and membrane filtration to modify the structure of hemicellulose and lignin. Using laccase enzyme in the reaction, it creates a structure, which has increased molecular weight and charge as well as low viscosity even in high concentrations. This wood-based hemicellulose/lignin copolymer (WOODMER®) has high performing properties in several demanding end-product environments.

The core of the technology is the enzymatic reaction which mimics wood formation trees utilize in nature.